Juraj Slafkovsky is one goal away from hitting 20G & two points away from hitting 50P this season. He’ll also earn a $250k performance bonus if he reaches the 20G mark tonight

Juraj Slafkovsky is one goal away from hitting 20G & two points away from hitting 50P this season. He’ll also earn a $250k performance bonus if he reaches the 20G mark tonight

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  2. Suzuki and cauffee better be feeding him like it’s a hot dog eating contest. 

  3. If anyone can do it, it’s this fuckin’ stud in the latter half of this season.

    If he does, and I hope he will (and even if he does not), I hope some of you take a chill pill with your reality check as we head into the offseason and stop being a bunch of doubters.

    Never doubt Jagr.

  4. I hope they just absolutely feed this man passes until he scores.

    You gotta think all of the players are aware of his bonus potential tonight; I’m sure they’ll be trying to get him the puck.

  5. I feel like the boys will rally to get him that goal and will then expect a steak dinner

  6. Auston Matthews special incoming. Tonight’s mission is just feed slaf and let him rip

  7. What a great development season it’s been.

    Slaf exploded and went above expectations becoming a first line forward.

    Roy looking promising like a potential top-6 winger.

    Struble, Xhekaj, Mailloux, Hutson, all becoming better and taking strides.

    Goalies looking really good. Suzuki becoming a true 1c.

    Things are bright!

  8. Slaf is gonna be such a unit by the time he hits his prime. Can’t even imagine what his ceiling looks like yet

  9. 250k is nothing compared to the 7.9×8 that he’s getting this summer or next summer ahahaha

  10. If the players are aware of the possible 250K, they’re going to do everything to get him that goal

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