These clickbait headlines are getting out of control

Don't support these wannabe bloggers who call themselves Dodger fans.

  1. Where’s the lie? They should’ve at least brought back a big leaguer to fill one of many holes this team has.

  2. It is kind of annoying that these guys don’t do nothing crazy with us and then go ballistic as soon as we ditch them 😂

  3. lol Dodgers Way. A site where Yankees fans write about the Dodgers. The worst Dodgers page/blog.

  4. “Seeing red”, as stated in the headline, means someone is angry. What source or quote from the Dodgers in this post supports this statement? There is none. It’s just supposition and assumption about how the writher _imagines_ the Dodgers must be feeling. Absolute garbage writing.

  5. Me: *reads headline* OH YEAH? Well, you are wrong because I am color-blind. Hahaha, take that!

    ^((I do secretly miss Busch sigh))

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