Aaron Rogers wants Jets to stop with the distractions and focus on football


  1. Why do people have to post this every time he says something. He is a weird dude with some weird opinions. Him talking about his personal beliefs in the off season is not a distraction.

  2. never post ML Football here again OP. They are the worst bottom feeders out there and the only way to make them go away is to starve them.

  3. seems to me the only people distracted is a small fringe of creepy internet folks like the OP who are obsessed with everything he says for some reason.

  4. How is he being a distraction?  He’s showing up to practices, not punching someone in the jaw because they owe him money.

  5. It’s Aaron Rodgers, and it’s the New York Jets. Anything that happens or is said is newsworthy whether or not it actually is worth talking about.

  6. He’s probably talking about the fact that sauce is probably gonna suck balls this year because of the crowd of people he’s become involved with

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