Habs prospect Filip Mesar currently has 1G & 14A for 15P in 9 playoff games, leading his team. He’s also currently 2nd in OHL playoff scoring. His Kitchener Rangers are down 3-0 in a series vs the London Knights

Habs prospect Filip Mesar currently has 1G & 14A for 15P in 9 playoff games, leading his team. He’s also currently 2nd in OHL playoff scoring. His Kitchener Rangers are down 3-0 in a series vs the London Knights

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  2. Someone mentioned in another post that he looked average. Can he look average while simultaneously lead his team in points? 14 apples in 9 games sounds like solid playmaker potential

  3. Not a habs fan but going to the game tonight. He doesn’t stand out, but he’s consistent

  4. People have been shitting on this kid all season long two with the average/subpar/disappointing comments.

    I feel like if anything, he’s perfectly on pace with where he should be and I’m glad it seems like they’re letting him take a slower and steadier development route. Excited to see him at camp next year

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