Video of Tepper confronting the DNG owner has emerged

  1. Why did he take dudes hat off? I really wanted this to be a non issue but that’s weird af. At least they shook hands I guess

  2. All he had to do was come in, buy some food and take a couple photos. PR softball if he played it right.

  3. I mean, it’s pretty mild across the board. Definitely some rich guy power stuff going on with the hat grabbing and the posture, but largely an overblown story.

    What is abundantly clear is that he’s incapable of just being “in the background”.

  4. ~Man I’m sorry but if Tepper literally took my hat off my head, I would be saying something and not just “Meh.”~

    ~Never seen a man so easily butt hurt.~

    E: see my replies – this is a nothing-story

    No idea why my comment is being shown in strikethrough.

  5. You people are just looking for reasons to hate this man. This video and this story are a non issue.

  6. The restaurant manager said Tepper wasn’t upset and Tepper asked the manager who he thought should be the pick, absolute nothing burger

  7. Seems like a poor attempt at humor. I think he was trying to just mess around with the guy. I mean they shake hands at the end so obviously there is not much to this.

  8. That was kinda gangsta. Like Sonny on a Bronx Tale.


  9. Did anybody watch the full video? Definitely looks like he had “I’m just fucking with you my guy” body language at the end.

    I dislike Tepper as much as the next guy but if he was genuinely pissed off about the sign I doubt he would have laughed it off with the guy and shook his hand. I mean, think about it, we talk mad shit about him online constantly. I don’t think a guy with that fragile of an ego would just sit back and let his own teams fanbase drag his name without opening his mouth to say something stupid and defend himself.

  10. People are making a huge deal out of this… things don’t seem too hostile in the video and the guy said it was nothing… Tepper has a target on his back now and can only blame himself.

  11. Who tf is he to touch anyone…he is lucky dude didn’t hit him. This is why we can’t fucking win… 🙄🙄🙄 just another reason I know he is trying to destroy the Panthers franchise.

  12. Good grief, y’all need to stop being cancel culture Karens. Get off the internet and go outside…….go look at a tree or something.

    And for the record, this is nothing and I don’t blame Tepper for trying to joke around and have some fun with the staff there, even if it was an awkward interaction.

  13. Ya’ll are so lame freaking out about this, when no one who was involved was angry.

    Pearl-clutching and outrage farming on behalf of someone else is the lamest fucking thing on the internet.

    You guys have thinner skin than what you’re saying Tepper has if you’re actually outraged at this. The fucking irony.

  14. I literally just can’t even be convinced to care about Tepper’s antics at this point.

  15. People making a big deal out of this are silly. Who tf cares he’s clearly not mad. If anything, it’s probably good news he went in DNG because it just shows that he wasn’t with the front office trying to force picks lol

  16. DNG needs to get some brass balls branded with their logo and sell them for charity.

  17. I honestly see this and I think he was just fucking around. Like, feigning he’s a little upset before he actually breaks the character.

    With that said, I have no idea what he was trying to accomplish by pulling the dudes hat off.

    Edit: Looks like it was an Eagles hat. This makes me more convinced that he was trying to be playful with it. Honestly, it reminds me of something my dad would do, trying to be funny but just ending up being a bit annoying

  18. He took the right guys hat off…here in the land where MMA fighter lurk behind every bush and barstool, his joke might not have gone over to well.

    Already getting texts…not a great look. Love it when Raiders and Commando fans tell you your owner sucks 🤦‍♂️

  19. You don’t touch another man’s hat.

    Then again, he could have walked and handled it like this

    “I’m David Tepper and I saw your sign. Let me ask you a question, who do you think we should pick? Also, I noticed you’re wearing an Eagles hat! {says assistants name and takes off dudes hat} let’s get this gentleman a Panthers hat.” And promises to give the gentleman and employees Panthers tickets to one of this year’s home games.

    That’s how you handle it and create some positivity.

  20. Tepper PR people in here downvoting fans. Dude is a clown. The only reason this isn’t a big deal is because the manager had the decency not to slap his ass. If Tepper spit on him the bootlickers on staff would run here to assure us it was just a friendly joke

  21. yea they laughed it off and knucked at the end. i’m not a tepper fan but i also don’t want to join the circle jerk on this one

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