Taijuan Walker robs Jackson Merrill of a line drive base hit and gets the double play.

Taijuan Walker robs Jackson Merrill of a line drive base hit and gets the double play.

Taijuan Walker robs Jackson Merrill of a line drive base hit and gets the double play.
byu/thanks_for_the_fish inbaseball

  1. “Ranger Suarez is the best fielding pitcher on the Phillies…”

    Taijaun: and I took that personally.

  2. I can’t tell if that was luck, skill, or some combination of both but it was an incredible play

  3. We’re going to have a whole rotation finish top 5 in Cy Young voting entirely because of their defense. 

  4. The Padres have been cursed ever since they let the That’s What’s In song into the universe

  5. Holy shit, that might beat out the Vince Velazquez lefty throw as the craziest play by a Phillies pitcher

  6. Regarding the title, it would have been a double play either way with where Turner was playing but that doesn’t take away the fact that this was an insane play.

  7. This is one of those crazy plays you picture in your head but never expect to ever happen

  8. Runner just hanging around and looking back to first because there wasn’t a chance in hell he’d get back. Unbelievable play.

  9. That dude went to the same high-school I did. Good on him even though I’m a dads fan.

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