So, not necessarily Canes related, but it’s hockey related.

They are playing some great hockey in the PWHL! It’s the new women’s professional hockey league. I know there are quite a few girls and women that love the Canes, figured y’all would like to watch some good women’s hockey too!

Check them out! Watching is FREE! They stream each game Live from their channel on YouTube. 🙂

  1. I like the point system they use. Hopefully, the NHL will adopt it along with how easy it is to stream the games.

  2. PWHL has been such a great watch tbh, I hate seeing all the people just randomly deciding to hate on the league because they think women can’t compete (mainly on Twitter and TikTok).

  3. My wife and I watched a game, it’s well executed tehcnical hockey but we were having trouble really getting into it.

    I’ll try another one

  4. It’s a league that’s going to live or die by ticket sales (and merchandise when it’s branded and available). If they get a team further south (even DC) I would consider going to a game. As it stands now for folks in our area there’s really not a meaningful way to support the league.

  5. The skill level is insane given how new women’s pro hockey is. And it’s great to see them upping the physicality now that players make enough to not need a side gig + have health insurance.

    I think it’s a big moment. US women’s hockey is great, US women’s soccer is great, the WNBA is great…they just need the audiences, and it finally feels like that’s close to happening.

  6. Going to see a Boston PWHL game in-person next month! Super excited – it’s been really fun to watch, especially on nights when the canes aren’t playing

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