What in the “alternative facts” nonsense is this!?!?

What in the “alternative facts” nonsense is this!?!?

  1. No rational person could view the events KD has been involved in the last few years and conclude that it has strengthened his legacy

  2. KD is such a dumbass. Literally zero self awareness.

    He will retire as the greatest player without any diehard fans.

  3. I hate to say this but I worry this dude will commit su1c1de one if these days. He seems so unstable

  4. its his career his life. i dont want kd to leave but he should do what makes him happy before thinking about anything else.

  5. GSW had all the things he is now complaining about.

    I don’t understand the unwillingness to accept that KD is just kind of a dick. Don’t you meet dicks all the time? They are LITERALLY everywhere.

    Statistically it is not at all surprising that KD would be a dick.

    Why can’t fans accept it? Is it the same phenomenon as female groupies of bands? Are NBA fans basically just groupies?

  6. Don’t you people understand? He dosent want to waste time taking the hard route with a team he helped construct. He wants to join a #1 Seed and win smh. Doing that here would be too much work.

  7. Sooooo… you’re perspective vs the perspective of the rest of the world??? That’s called narcissism.

  8. He quite literally engages with everything he hates….like the legacy talk nonsense. Makes a point to act unbothered and then constantly puts out things like this. Unbothered ppl don’t do this.
    The only conclusion is the twitter nonsense is due to insecurity. It would get to anyone, but bro has a long history of stooping down to nobodies on burners. Tweets like this just make me feel like he’s stupid. It literally doesn’t mean anything.
    Someone who is gonna “do it their way” wouldn’t give it so much time and pretend like it’s all for fun

  9. And what’s crazy is that if the front office doesn’t give him an option than they get labeled as controlling and taking advantage of players when it’s just business, at the end of the day it’s just business. I remember when harden said that bucks were one of the teams he would go to and I didn’t want that to happen because I knew that he would wanna leave right away.

  10. This guy trys so hard to show that nothing bothers him. Trying to be sarcastic and reply with something smart. You can tell all this bothers him so much he probably can’t sleep at night or probably gets to the point where he can’t enjoy himself because he’s constantly checking what someone has to say about him and defend himself.

  11. KD never stops his march to alienate all of his fans.

    Much like Kyrie, he thinks very little of fans. It’s readily apparent in the way that he interacts with mere mortals like fans on Twitter or even in public.

    I actually think KD really does believe he’s a gift from god or something. It’s hard to be so delusional.

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