Dewayne Hankins, president of Business Ops, stated that this is not a permanent decision at this time. How about we politely tweet our displeasure at him?

His handle is @DewayneHankins.

Link to his statement here:

  1. Man what a bs statement. They first switched to Root which has made the broadcast significantly more inaccessible. Now they aren’t sending the broadcast team on the road, to “improve other areas” becoming the only team in the league to do it. Not to mention we are one of two teams in the league without a g-league team. The other one being the suns, and everyone knows Sarver is a a cheap ass. Just acknowledge that ownership is a bunch of cheap assess and sell the team please.

  2. I’m sure its just PR talk, but in theory what he is saying makes sense. If every dollar spent flying the crew/equipment around, is put back into the broadcast in other areas, that make it a better product overall, it’s the right decision. What exactly all that money would get them on the broadcast side that would make things X amount better than what we already have remains to be seen.

    I’m guessing the way this goes is we start the season with this, see no noticeable improvement, and then it goes back to the way it was. I would really really really love to know what Lamar and Kevin feel about this even though I know there is no way we can ever get their honest opinion about it right now. Would also like to hear where all this money they are saving is going as far as improving the broadcast.

  3. When Chris Mcgowan moved the Blazers to Root, I replied to one of his tweets about Bae’s Chicken moving to the Moda Center Concourse with “YOU SUCK!” 8 months later he resigned. Coincidence???

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