the elephant in the room

the elephant in the room

  1. 1. Release point takes a good 2mph of perceived velo off his sinker
    2. Turns out it’s hard to strike dudes out if you only have one pitch (unless it’s a Rivera or peak Kenley cutter)

  2. He has the most hittable 100 MPH pitch i have ever seen. But he is still young, and i think he will learn how to get more swings and misses

  3. Good try Andrew the dude strikes people out just not crazy K%
    Just needs to locate better with that 100mph!

  4. People really want Brusdar as closer because his wicked sinker but he’s very hittable. I’d rather have Vesia over Brusdar

  5. It’s ok guys, he’s an Os fan and is just testing out material on another fanbase’s sub.

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