AJ Hinch response to the article about Robbie Grossman tweaking his swing and having more success against RHP with the Braves

AJ Hinch response to the article about Robbie Grossman tweaking his swing and having more success against RHP with the Braves

  1. It’s a failure, and AJ is an active part of it. He has to get better alongside the organization

  2. According to the manager it’s the recently fired GM’s fault that the players are not getting better coaching. Got it.

  3. AJ’s new enhancements probably include some state of the art trashcans in the dugout.

    /s… hopefully

  4. Anybody have stats for Robbie in ATL vs Detroit? My laziness doesn’t want to google this, I’d rather check back tomorrow and see what your comments are…

  5. I know this answer seems frustrating but he’s kinda right. Managers don’t do nearly as much in how a team is run as they used to, for most teams it’s mostly the front office. Joe Maddon just got interviewed and said he wouldn’t manage for a team ever again unless it was a situation where he had a greater say in how his team was played, not like in LA where the front office basically told him what to do and made him a middle man. Grossman made the improvements after he got traded because someone in the Braves’ front office analytics department noticed the issue. Our training staff and analytics staff is essentially still in the 90s and it’s why we can’t get the best out of our players.

    This answer definitely could’ve been given in a better way, but if we don’t have an up to date and efficient player development and analytics department, we’ll always be behind other teams. And AJ can’t control whether or not Chris actually wants to pony up for a modern MLB front office.

  6. I get that the boys have a shit organization, but the hinch hate is surprising to me. He’s literally one guy, who’s been working a historically terrible stable of guys. Grossman is better in Atlanta? Yeah, of course he is, they give a shit about their coaching. They spend to get good coaches

    My issue with it is, hinch has to say this, word for word. It’s his job. However, he isn’t the entire coaching, scouting, management and development staff that people are making him out to be here, not making a marginal major leaguer into a star.

  7. Seems like his response was we did a shit job of coaching/player development/swing improvement w/e under Avila and were going to try to do a lot better under the new GM who is hopefully more competent. But yeah Hinch’s stock went way down this year

  8. He’s obviously right about last year. He had one of his best years with us. But I don’t think that excuses the failures we’ve had with hitting coaches and other departments. If he had his best year with us last year, and now he’s had, why couldn’t we get him back there. I think he’s pretty much admitting the coaching staff had no part in his success or failures.

  9. Hopefully the new GM regime will make the proper upgrades necessary for Tigers. They seem be operating like it’s 2005 and the game has changed. Fail son Chris should be ashamed he hasn’t brought in new thinkers to update the club.

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