[Bill Simmons] KD and Harden, this is what I heard, they don’t talk after the trade. They basically go radio silent on each other. They run into each other. They hang out all weekend. And by the end of the weekend, KD is sniffing around on Philly.

>And there’s a whole Philly thing that happens for three days where it’s like basically Harris and Tyrese Maxey and whatever pick and it’s just it’s not even close.


  1. Some of Bill’s takes sound like the takes your college roommate comes up with (after a bong rip) that they think is this mind-blowing, novel idea but it’s really something they saw in an infomercial 20 minutes beforehand.

  2. Durant is known to be more of a loner.

    He kept WB out of the loop when he left OKC, wasn’t as engaged as he could during the first years and started isolating himself the last years of GSW according to Dray.
    And Blake Griffin already said the Nets Culture is already a everyone doing their thing(granted, a lot of players have moved around in 3 years.

  3. I just want to know what type of source would have this information and willingly give it to fucking Bill Simmons

  4. God Bill has such a way with words you can really tell he’s a professional writer.

  5. It’s a report why is everyone so mad all the time on this sub 🤣 People don’t like Bill sometimes he says dumb shit but his reports are super accurate

  6. KD seems like the kinda of guy that would fall for the Nigeria Prince story. Seems like he could talked into anything.

    At this point I just kinda feel bad for him, doesn’t really know what he wants. Doesn’t know how to get it. Can’t control narratives around him.

  7. “This is what I heard” is a clear sign that someone is making up complete bs for content. I get it off season has been slow and dry compared to years before but cmon now lol

  8. i think it’s clear basically no one knows what the fuck they’re talking about with KD except Joe Tsai and like people super close to KD, these speculations are stupid af, KD gunna be forced to play with the nets this year and so it’s just going to depend on if KD is commited or willing to tank a season to get what he wants

  9. This makes zero sense and he is still shouting it out into the world. The stupidity of NBA coverage in a nutshell.

  10. Ahh, the weekly shit on Bill Simmons mild-take quote thread. I missed this. Glad to have him back.

    For those who don’t listen to the podcast, he literally was talking about how stupid the KD news cycle has been while he was on break and how no one, even KD has a clue what’s going to happen. My favorite was he compared the NBA to “an all-girls high school” because of how relationships and alliances switch every 2 months.

  11. Simmons is really losing it in his late middle age. This is almost unreadable/unlistenable

  12. Oh my god they didn’t talk after the trade?? You mean when they were in separate cities and probably very busy?? And how many times did Durant text Draymond in that time??

    This is so dumb. I have friends I don’t see or talk to for years and then we link like it’s old times. It’s called adult life. This is such a nothing story

  13. tbh KD seems like an internet weirdo who is desperate for real-life companionship. anytime he sees an old friend in person it’s “damn we should hang out more”. then when it’s every day seeing someone, back to the phone eventually

  14. I’m currently listening to the podcast and the fact that they don’t understand why KD gets shit for joining golden state is crazy. He joined what was the greatest regular season team ever after having them on the ropes in the playoffs. Also wild to defend KD leaving all the time after destroying harden for almost the same moves is wild to me.

  15. Nets about to cause Philly and harden of colluding. Next CBA is gonna be a mess. Incoming lockdowns.

  16. which fanbase is going to cape for KD 10 years after he retires and some dude on Twitter compares KD to like Kevin McHale or something?!?

    as a dubs fan, i find myself taking the option to remain neutral in these conversations

  17. Incredible. Bill did some sleuthing and discovered what everyone with eyes and a brain had already assumed.

  18. I couldn’t possibly give any less of a shit where KD goes at this point. This non-news is exhaustingly stupid.

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