33 years ago today, Pete Rose is banned from baseball for life

33 years ago today, Pete Rose is banned from baseball for life

  1. I know the majority of reddit is a younger demographic than myself, so I wonder what your impressions of Rose were growing up. I know that today we all know about his relationship with an underage girl, and people rightfully have many problems with him based on that or any of his other transgressions. But I’m more interested in what your view was of him growing up depending on your age.

    I’m in my 40s. I was a kid growing up in American League markets, so we didn’t see any NL baseball on TV, but Pete was coming off his player/manager days and without ever watching him, the back of his baseball card was enough to know he was a legend. I remember seeing this on TV and knowing it was important but not really understanding what was going on. The story was that he had basically cheated and lied about it and it was wrong.

    For me, as a kid at the time, it was kind of a theoretical thing. I had never seen Pete Rose play a single game. He was a picture on a piece of cardboard with a some big numbers on the back. I assume it was different if you were actually following the team.

  2. I grew up hearing he was more than a man and an absolute hero to the city of Cincinnati.

    I grew to learn that he’s an absolute piece of shit and doesn’t deserve to be honored.

  3. Banned for life is a misnomer. He is on the permanently ineligible list, which means he is still banned even after death.
    Early 30s. I only ever watched him in videos, but looking at his stats, players like Ichiro and Gwynn were just outright better players. He has longevity, but the total hit number impresses me less and less as I get older and understand the game more.

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