[Gilleon] Kerry Armstrong is calling my client’s lawsuit a “shakedown”, but he offered money before his client was a Buffalo Bill and we ignored the offer.

[Gilleon] Kerry Armstrong is calling my client’s lawsuit a “shakedown”, but he offered money before his client was a Buffalo Bill and we ignored the offer.

  1. It’s the obvious ploy that will convince a disturbing number of people of his innocence. No matter the facts of the case or the statistics behind the incredibly low percentage of false rape accusations, there is a ready number of people chomping at the bit to call victims gold diggers.

  2. Just curious. Why did he say “The offer is withdrawn”, what was the lawyer offering?

  3. It looks like Armstrong (Araiza’s lawyer) flatly rejected a settlement offer made by Gilleon (Doe’s lawyer) before the civil filing.

  4. Lawyer here – this is outrageously unprofessional behavior on Gilleon’s part. Revealing these text messages publicly is both wildly inappropriate and worthy of bar discipline.

    That said, I don’t know what Armstrong was thinking either with the things he said. It sounds like there’s a history between these two that has nothing to do with Araiza.

    EDIT: Seriously, I cannot emphasize enough how unprofessional this is. This is genuinely reprehensible and will severely damage Gilleon’s reputation and potentially his license. Worse, it may hurt his client’s case.

  5. This is wildly unprofessional and sanctionable conduct by Gilleon. Absolutely cannot publish settlement communications lol

  6. Something about this is off. If the allegations are true, then cut him. But this is weird, and people are all making up their minds as to innocent/guilty.

  7. A lot of people on this sub willing to destroy someone’s life on accusations.

    We as people owe it to both sides not to determine someone’s innocence or guilt till everything unfolds.

    I work in LE. I fucking hate it rapes are real. I also fucking hate it when allegations of any crime aren’t real and it destroys someone’s life.

    No one should be hating the Bills for their reasons to keep him until this man is charged with a crime.

  8. Beane is a professional, the Bills have high powered lawyers, Pegula is a professional and also has lawyers. I’m sure they are getting their own legal advice on how to handle this. Maybe it’s gross incompetence and the case is as cut as dry as public is making it out to be.

  9. Felt there was something off about this from the beginning. I’m not rushing to judgment until more is known.

  10. This poor girl hired an absolute blowhard to represent her. He’s fucking this case up by posting through it, and she’s not going to get any of the healing she deserves because he’s a moron trying to make a name for himself.

    To be clear: Fuck Araiza. Get him out of here. It’s not worth it. Wouldn’t be worth it for JA17, or Diggs, or anyone.

  11. Lawyers focused on the best for their client don’t actively tweet about a case they just filed.

  12. Even his language is bizarre as a lawyer, Araiza being willing to payoff the alleged victim is exactly what happens in a shakedown.

    This is like the crazy racist couple in Rochester having a press conference to say we are not racist at all. And then saying in the next sentence, but yes I do run an extremely racist twitter account for years now….

    Holy face palm Batman

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