Never been this close to the Phanatic before. Felt like a child when he showed up.

Never been this close to the Phanatic before. Felt like a child when he showed up.

  1. I’m an adult man and I keep a Phanatic stuffed animal on my dresser next to my wife’s jewelry.

  2. When I was about five, the fanatic showed up to this promotion held at the shopping center in East Norriton were my family operated an print and copy shop. When his tongue came out of his mouth. It scared me like nothing else. I am now no longer afraid of him and consider him to be the best mascot in American Sports.

  3. A few weeks back I was lucky enough to be almost run over by his RV. He popped off and my daughter gave him a huge hug. Felt like the dad of the year that day

  4. Does it still smell like the suit is filled with dead babies?

    I still love the fact I got hugged 30 years ago but PU!

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