Is it common that Florence Y’all tickets cost more than Cincinnati Reds tickets?

Is it common that Florence Y’all tickets cost more than Cincinnati Reds tickets?

  1. Are they resale tickets? On their website the highest price is $17 day of game ($15 before) with a $2 convenience fee for tickets right behind home. There are cheaper options elsewhere (and it looks like they’re doing a $2 special tomorrow).

    Edit: I guess to answer your question, yes, the best Y’all’s tickets are more expensive than the cheapest Reds tickets.

  2. I might be going to a Y’alls game soon. Unofficial official not really meet up of 2022? Sike i’ma be hiding.

  3. Obviously neither team is any good right now (check Frontier League standings, Florence is near the bottom), but capacity is the key.

    Florence stadium seats 4,500. GABP seats just north of 42K. The Reds can charge way less because they’ll never sell out with current draw rates anyway, and more people = more souvenirs, food, alcohol, etc.

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