With Aaron Judge hitting his 50th homer, we compiled all of them into one video! This is far more enjoyable than the games the last 2 months

With Aaron Judge hitting his 50th homer, we compiled all of them into one video! This is far more enjoyable than the games the last 2 months

  1. His swing is perfect every single time. That was far more enjoyable than the last two months. I’ve had to remind myself that baseball is supposed to be entertaining, but that was amazing!

  2. Okay so Aaron Judge might beat Roger Marris 61 record. That does not have anything to do with winning the World Series. I’m more concerned about winning the WS. Don’t you think it’s been a while since 2009. This whole home run thing has been a distraction!!!!

  3. I was there for no. 42, and 48. And for no. 48, the crowd was fucking electric

  4. I get it and everything, it’s cool, but if it doesn’t amount to wins, have we lowered ourselves that much? who cares if he wins mvp if the Yankees are bounced early? No one remembers those huge mvp Arod years with Yankees. Why? Because they didn’t do anything in the playoffs. I know he’ll give the right answers about it being another number and blah blah, but this won’t be a memorable season for the New York Yankees if they don’t hoist the championship. Let’s go Yankees and here’s hoping they find it this month.

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