Braves’ Mike Soroka pitches four scoreless innings for Gwinnett Stripers

Braves’ Mike Soroka pitches four scoreless innings for Gwinnett Stripers

  1. The goal was 90 pitches tonight. He only threw 61 before the rain delay. Wonder if they will give him another start or 2 before bringing him up.

  2. After all he has gone through I’m just amazed he is still pitching and we are even discussing him coming back to Atlanta. When he had the second injury I honestly thought he was done.

  3. As much as it would be awesome to have him back they really shouldn’t rush him back considering everything.

  4. Side note on the Stripers name: When they switched the name of the Stripers to the Stripers, I was working at a college bookstore part time. We had a promo for their games because…We’re in Gwinnett.

    An older lady comes in with her grandson to help pay for his books and sees the promo and completely misreads the word Stripers lol.

    Safe to say she was upset at how a college bookstore could promote such a dirty profession so openly!

    We definitely got a good laugh out of that for a few weeks.

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