AD’s wingspan is 5 seats long

Just absolutely insane to have this much wingspan lol. This photo looks photoshopped but isn’t. He really is that big! These NBA players are routinely this tall and it’s interesting that it doesn’t show as that obvious when you watch it on TV. Bill Russell probably had a comparable wingpsan back in the day

  1. If AD were polyamorous, he could go on a movie date with four people, sit in the middle, and put his arms around all of them

  2. If AD’s wingspan was measured in sets of buttcheeks, his wingspan fingertip to fingertip would be 5 sets of buttcheeks long!

  3. Imagine sitting at the movies, and getting a tap on the shoulder thinking it’s the person beside you, but it’s AD 2 seats down lol.

  4. Some of the comments in this thread are unsurprising. Seems to be common in a thread about AD if it isn’t shitting on him for having a frail body.

    He’s got the perfect physical attributes that makes him such a good defender. Tall, lengthy with a great wingspan, quick, and athletic. Shit like AD’s wingspan, Kawhi’s hand size, and KD’s foot size just look inhuman.

  5. The higher level of ball, the more you’ll see prominent wingspans and most NBA players are much longer IRL than you expect cause TV doesn’t do them justice.

    NBA players with regular wingspans similar to their height like us average people are pretty rare these days.

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