Real facts

Real facts

  1. People do realize that PEDs aren’t a magic bullet, right? You can’t just take Roids and all of a sudden hit further, or throw harder. Roids just help individuals heal faster when lifting, but the users still has to lift and train to see results. Also, lots of people take roids, but many of them never make it out of the minor leagues – Bonds and McGwire were still pretty special.

  2. Yeah kids, just take steroids and growth hormones while you’re in still high-school or college, that way idiots online won’t accuse you of cheating as a professional.

  3. This shit is getting so old. Almost everyone used to juice. Bonds is the true HR king regardless. Anyone of you basement dwellers go take some roids then go hit 73 bombs in 1 season.

  4. Baseball allowed it. And deposing on your age it saved the game for millions of fans. Bonds was amazing to watch. He probably hit 10-15 balls off the wall that year.

  5. We don’t know if judge is cheating though, we don’t ever know if someone is cheating, we only know if they get caught.

  6. Put an asterisk next to judge too. He might not take the vaccine but he’s totally juicing.

  7. So many people were defending tatis Jr last year and look at how that turned out. Judge will get popped too.

  8. All these Yankee fans need to stop with this nonsense. The record is 73, stop trying to justify that this is some record breaking HR chase. Judge is having a great year and is likely the MVP, but Bonds hit 73 in 476 ABs, Judge is at 55 HR in 489 AB.

  9. Oh i’m sure the babe was hopped up on something back then. Wasn’t coca cola made with cocaine back then?

  10. I mean who the fuck knows what was in hot dogs back in the day, plus eventually we’re going to have to accept that a bunch of pre-ww2 baseball stats are made up

  11. Ruth didn’t play against some of the best players of his era, who were segregated into the negro leagues. And none of those guys cheated because they didn’t ban PEDs until after those respective years. The commissioners office was happy to let big homers boost attendance numbers until they felt the need to pass blame AND paint players in a bad light for labor negotiations.

  12. Love the Yankees, and I love me some, Aaron Judge, but let not count our eggs before they hatch.

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