Helsinki-based graphic designer here – taking turns upsetting NHL fanbases by coming up with uniform designs for their beloved teams. Came up with a wild one for the Senators. Hope y’all enjoy the somewhat humorous take.

Helsinki-based graphic designer here – taking turns upsetting NHL fanbases by coming up with uniform designs for their beloved teams. Came up with a wild one for the Senators. Hope y’all enjoy the somewhat humorous take.

  1. I think it’s kind of cool , at the least it’s a new refreshing take

    But it feels like our fan base is really happy with our new 2D jerseys

  2. Okay hold up that logo is actually dope. I wish the sens leaned more heavily into the roman aspect of the brand. Bunch of Roman stuff in the arena. Mascot could be a cartooned version of centurion or legionary instead of tired look spartacat (play on Spartacus, fought against rome, weird for a mascot) fanbase could be called “the legion” etc.

  3. Damn, the Sens subreddit may be the friendliest place on the entire internet. Thanks all for such great feedback!

  4. This has definite AHL vibes. This would be an awesome logo for the Belleville Senators if you could somehow incorporate a ‘B’ into the design.

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