Just a reminder of what a beast Kelce is for getting up after this and just walking it off.

Just a reminder of what a beast Kelce is for getting up after this and just walking it off.

Just a reminder of what a beast Kelce is for getting up after this and just walking it off. from KansasCityChiefs

  1. I was fucking livid about this and of course the degens at r / nfl are celebrating it as some awesome football move. Imagine if someone did this to Devante Adams or their precious Brady (but he’d have to actually become a runner for that to happen). You would have to shut down that sub from the amount of vitriol that would be spewed.

    Maybe they’d feel differently if Kelce had been hurt on the play, but I don’t feel like giving them the benefit of the doubt.

  2. I don’t understand how this isn’t a penalty when you have Derwin James picking him up to body slam him, as well as the other chargers player coming in to help push him into the ground when Kelce is already in the air and defenseless.

  3. People saying body slam but this is a spinebuster my friends. Not only that but it was a tag team move. 2nd defender came in and helped him slam Kelce.

  4. The amount of force that tackle created to get that ball to pop up like that is nuts. That amount of force had to travel THROUGH Kelce and it popped that ball like it was out of a cannon. No idea how Kelce got right back up but he’s a different kind of dude.

  5. Imagine if this was like myles garret on like Kyle Pitts or a quarterback, the NFL media and fans would have his head on a plate but because it’s the chiefs no one cares

  6. I gave the defender props for that. I was impressed. Kelce is not a small man. So that dude is strong. Just another reason I watch football. The competition really is top notch.

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