First Brownie on midfield, next we get our helmet logo on our helmets.

First Brownie on midfield, next we get our helmet logo on our helmets.

  1. People make this same stupid joke every year and it’s never funny. Also, whoever did the photoshop can’t find a picture older than 3 years ?

  2. Rant:

    The whole point of the helmet logo is that they don’t have a logo on the orange helmets, which are awesome and iconic on their own. You wouldn’t put the helmet “logo” on the helmet because then you would be defeating the entire purpose of the helmet logo. This makes the helmet “logo” on the helmet idea/joke/proposal that comes up at least once a week just incredibly dumb. It’s never been funny, and never will be.


  3. It’s kinda weirding me out that people are annoyed by the Brownie logo. It was a vote. The people chose. Not real controversial.

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