Two weeks in a row on crApple TV. What did we do to deserve this?

Two weeks in a row on crApple TV. What did we do to deserve this?

  1. Is it just me that thinks the commentating is horrendous? Makes you appreciate our broadcasting team.

  2. It’s so effing bad. Terrible commentary, even worse “experts” , and if I log into a free streaming site…. The feed is ahead of my Apple + app on my TV. Like how are you slower than someone streaming the video over the internet. How is it even possible ( the stream was mlbtv so it was another stream a good minute ahead of Apple plus)

  3. Forgive me.. but how can they do that when we’ve paid a subscription to MLBtv to watch all the games?? I just don’t understand how it’s allowed.

  4. Katie Nolan reacts to everything like it’s her first time watching a baseball game. Siera Santos, whom they had in the studio, would be much better, and she has L.A. experience at CBS2/KCAL 9.

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