Remember why we took him. See the flashes. Know there will be growing pains. Give it time.

Remember why we took him. See the flashes. Know there will be growing pains. Give it time.

  1. What I find so impressive from his college clips is not that he is physically superior to everyone or makes incredibly flashy plays, but it’s the little things. Look how crisply he takes his dropbacks, and he confidently whips the ball downfield. Look how he moves in the pocket before throwing. Looks how he takes hits sometimes after throws. _Those_ are the hardest things to teach, along with the mere act of throwing. Just wanted to highlight that.

  2. Two things I took away;

    * that boy hit a growth spurt since this video, he looks way shorter in the video.

    * the speed between the NFL and d1aa is absolutely wild, because Lance scurries around like he’s Kyler Murray in this video. That, or he slowed down some sense then due to his growth spurt.

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