So they’re a dynasty before winning and favorites after losing? Got it. 🤦🏻

So they’re a dynasty before winning and favorites after losing? Got it. 🤦🏻

  1. If Ja would shut up,play defense, and develop his jump shot, he might have a point. All his talk is painting a target on his back.

  2. Yeah, totally would have won the series after immediately going down 0-1 at home and getting blown out by nearly 30 when he got hurt and left the game

  3. Remember when we lost in the Finals to Toronto and Steph mentioned our injuries?

    Of course not. Champs just let the winning do the talking. Memphis is a play-in candidate this year.

  4. And if I hadn’t gotten that leg cramp that one time then I would’ve made the league. I feel you Ja

  5. Dynasty? Is the sports world dumb or something? Because I heard this crap about New Yorkers saying the giants 3 championships in a 10 year span is not a dynasty 😂🤣🤣🤣

  6. This dude talks so much shit and has done nothing. Just stfu, I quickly learned to root against him

  7. As someone who dont like CP0 and why the 2019 WCF were my favorite ever to watch, this Ja guy is really pushing it. First he says he can beat MJ and now this like get a grip on reality dude. Your team played much much better when you werent on…they were actually fun to watch give me a break

  8. It doesn’t matter unless you got the ring. Morant has greatness in him. If this type of thinking motives him to be great, good for him. One day he will understand that it doesn’t matter unless you the ring. If Draymond doesn’t get ejected, Dubs would’ve got the ring. When Durant got hurt we had a chance until Klay got hurt. We didn’t get the ring.

  9. Why do we constantly bring up other players in our sub, the post just end up being a hating circle jerk

  10. Ja gotta say what he gotta say to stay elite in the eyes of people. His team is better without him sadly

  11. Warriors were favorites to win until Draymond got injured(mentally) in 2016 n KD got injured in 2019. Dynasty points deducted

  12. Originally from Memphis. This is the prevailing attitude about everything in that town, but especially the Grizz and Memphis Tigers basketball.

  13. By this criteria you could call the Rockets a dynasty for continually losing to the Dubs and never making the finals too.

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