Your weekly /r/devils roundup for the week of September 15 – September 21

**Thursday, September 15 – Wednesday, September 21**

###Top videos

| score | comments | title & link |
| 112 | [12 comments](/r/devils/comments/xgry67/highlight_alexander_holtz_ends_the_prospect/) | [[Highlight] Alexander Holtz ends the prospect challenge in overtime with a nasty one-timer](|


###Top Remaining Posts

| score | comments | title & link |
| 284 | [19 comments](/r/devils/comments/xjokov/hope_he_has_a_great_retirement/) | [Hope he has a great retirement](|
| 246 | [85 comments](/r/devils/comments/xj8h9a/pk_is_retiring/) | [P.K. is retiring.](|
| 146 | [55 comments](/r/devils/comments/xjjdmg/my_chemical_romance_x_devils_collab_for_the_shows/) | My Chemical Romance x Devils collab for the shows tonight and tomorrow.|
| 114 | [4 comments](/r/devils/comments/xfcreg/got_my_home_opener_jersey/) | [Got my home opener jersey](|
| 108 | [18 comments](/r/devils/comments/xevu8b/legrand_coffee_house_named_202223_recipient_of/) | [LeGrand Coffee House Named 2022-23 Recipient of Devils Buy Black Program](–release/c-335563746)|
| 94 | [14 comments](/r/devils/comments/xhrxtl/my_quest_to_make_a_wallpaper_for_each_nhl_team_17/) | My quest to make a wallpaper for each NHL team: #17 DEVILS|
| 90 | [23 comments](/r/devils/comments/xgh4di/was_at_the_game_first_live_impressions/) | Was at the game, first live Impressions.|
| 85 | [13 comments](/r/devils/comments/xf3w1s/jack_is_officially_in_the_house_from_the_devils_ig/) | [Jack is officially in the house (from the Devils IG)](|
| 62 | [12 comments](/r/devils/comments/xfkgoi/nj_devils_jersey_diner_concept_logo_try_the_disco/) | [Nj Devils Jersey diner concept logo. Try the disco fries!](|
| 58 | [32 comments](/r/devils/comments/xfz6rk/roster_for_tonights_prospects_game_amanda_stein/) | [Roster for Tonight’s Prospects Game (Amanda Stein on Twitter)](|


###Game thread comments

| score | comment |
| 35 | /u/jonaesthetic said [NEMEC —> HOLTZ. That’s what we’re here for. GGs](/r/devils/comments/xg5jq1/prospect_challenge_game_thread/ioqpari/?context=5) |
| 27 | /u/MartysBetter29 said [fans: Chico: “Guys please dont hate Nemec yeah he fucking sucks at hockey hes a complete fucking shit show but stop yelling at him give him a break”](/r/devils/comments/xg5jq1/prospect_challenge_game_thread/ioqd6kp/?context=5) |
| 20 | /u/IncreaseInVerbosity said [I see why people rate Holtz shot… that’s a howitzer](/r/devils/comments/xg5jq1/prospect_challenge_game_thread/ioqp7nl/?context=5) |
| 18 | /u/DontDraftSmall said [Good for Holtz. Speed improved noticeably.](/r/devils/comments/xg5jq1/prospect_challenge_game_thread/ioqqzos/?context=5) |
| 16 | /u/chefboleson said [HOLTZ 👑](/r/devils/comments/xg5jq1/prospect_challenge_game_thread/ioqp9wv/?context=5) |
| 16 | /u/whichwitch9 said [May I just say, I missed Chico. “Ohhhh… Defenseman! ….Is he a defenseman?” Edit: yup, definitely love Chico. “I’m high maintenance guys”](/r/devils/comments/xg5jq1/prospect_challenge_game_thread/ioqhv4u/?context=5) |
| 16 | /u/MartysBetter29 said [Chico doesnt fuck w nemec lmaoo](/r/devils/comments/xg5jq1/prospect_challenge_game_thread/ioqcug7/?context=5) |
| 15 | /u/bubba07 said [utica will probably be serious again … as always](/r/devils/comments/xg5jq1/prospect_challenge_game_thread/ioqphkb/?context=5) |
| 15 | /u/BrunnersNose said [NEMEC TO HOLTZ FOR THE FUCKIN DUB!](/r/devils/comments/xg5jq1/prospect_challenge_game_thread/ioqp6yz/?context=5) |
| 15 | /u/whichwitch9 said [Okhotyuk be like “don’t touch my Slovak”](/r/devils/comments/xg5jq1/prospect_challenge_game_thread/ioqgxdp/?context=5) |


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    ####Please let me know if you have suggestions to make this roundup better for /r/devils or if there are other subreddits that you think I should post in. I can search for posts based off keywords in the title, URL and flair. And I can also find the top comments overall or in specific threads.

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