Bobby D meme

Bobby D meme

  1. Dalbec is like the most anti moneyball player ever. He looks like an athlete but has an OBP under .300

  2. Bobby’s approach is clearly all guess work right now and I refuse to believe that’s how he got to the major leagues. He needs to really sit down and figure it out.

    He probably will still strike out 180 times in a full season, but I think if he does find it in him, he can probably hit somewhere between .220-.250 with 30HRs.

    I think never being able to go between AAA and the majors this year hurt him more than people think, so hopefully this off-season he can change something in his approach. I forget how far back it was this year but he did cut down on his leg kick with 2 strikes and switched to a toe tap, and it really did work. But now he’s stopped doing it.

    I think there’s still a spot for Dalbec on this team right now IF he can get better at the plate. With the less pressure on him to perform maybe he stops overthinking every little thing he does. We’ll see what happens in ST, and if he starts the year in AAA. Always the possibility he gets traded like we did Chavis.

    I like Bobby D, but I don’t like to see him struggle

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