Highlight of media day. Serge has a question for Giannis.


Serge: I have a question for you!

Giannis: Tell me

Serge: Did Kris Jenner ever call you back?

Giannis: No! I was very surprised! She didn’t. I want to be a part of the family. I watch that show so much with my girlfriend, I want to be a part of that family somehow, someway, you know? Maybe be a chef, or a driver or a security guard, anything.

Serge: Okay, I’m sure she’s gonna contact you.

Giannis: Hopefully. Thank you.

Highlight of media day. Serge has a question for Giannis. from MkeBucks

  1. The comments on That video on Facebook are all comments telling Giannis to stay away as far as possible from them lol

  2. Giannis we all love you but please run as far away as possible from that family. Serge gets credit for asking the hard questions though lmao.

  3. damn this is the first time giannis has said something that I’m like yeaaah fuck that lol

    we can’t all be perfect it’s okay giannis

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