I am calling BS on this article. Avs fans have no ill will towards Jost. Nor should they…

I am calling BS on this article. Avs fans have no ill will towards Jost. Nor should they…

  1. I normally would agree if it was from a shady source. However, The Athletic, a subsidary of the NY Times, do their due diligence in their reporting.

    One can make the argument that both are at fault. The Avs rushed Jost’s development by asking him to do too much too fast. Jost allegedly asked to be traded in close doors. No one is clean here

  2. You can’t speak for all Avs fans. I’m sure there are at least a few who were unhappy with Jost under-performing. And there will *always* be Twitter trolls, actual Avs fans or not.

  3. They are referencing the Athletic article by Russo that was already posted here.

    I don’t doubt Jost received messages but those “fans” are just toxic sports fans who happen to say they root for the Avs, but the team they supposedly root for has nothing to do with what they are or why they do what they do. There are toxic sports fans in every fanbase…. they should simply be identified as toxic sports fans and not by the team they claim to root for.

    If the Avs just won the Stanley Cup and the first thing someone does is say “let me go fuck with Jost”… I’m sorry, that is not an Avs fan. That person is just in this for the negativity. It’s stupid that this is a hot take most professional writers ignore.

  4. Meh, all fan bases have a small minority of irredeemable assholes who are prone to do stuff like this. Most social media is a cesspool that emboldens certain people to act on their worst impulses.

  5. If you don’t think there are fans in this fanbase that would do this you’re delusional. They’re in every fanbase. It doesn’t help to pretend they don’t exist – just don’t be one of them.

  6. Y’all gave Lauren Bobo a seat. No Avs fan exceptionalism allowed here, let’s be real.

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