Please, Have Mercy

Please, Have Mercy

  1. Until 1977, the Raiders dominated the Broncos and won championships while the Broncos basically sucked every season. The dislike born of that period remains to this day and is taught to new fans every season. The Raiders sort of ask for it with their “outlaw” image that has ended up being for real: they recruit bad people to play for them and don’t exactly demand good behavior—and it’s been like that for a very long time.

    Why do Raiders fans hate the Broncos? Because they’re criminals who hate good people.

  2. I don’t understand it that much either. Up until the last few seasons, we owned the Raiders and they still haven’t even won a playoff game in over 20 years.

    I personally hate the Chiefs waaaay more than I hate the Raiders, because Chiefs fans bandwagoned hard and are just super obnoxious. At least Raiders fans are legit since the team has had no success in a long time.

    Also the Chiefs roster is way more hateable than the Raiders (although the Chiefs dropping Tyreek and the Raiders signing McDickface shifted that greatly).

    Even still it’s impossible for me to hate dudes like Carr, Waller, or Renfrow but it’s easy to hate Mahomes (mostly cause of his dick riders and jackass family, but also because we’ve literally never beaten him) and Kelce, and Andy Reid’s fucknut of a son is still a piece of shit even though he’s not affiliated with the team anymore.

    As for why the Raiders hate us, see my first paragraph

  3. I think we hate the Raiders because it’s tradition more than anything else. I honestly see KC as the primary rival at this point. Their fanbase used to be so chill and fun to talk to, but since Mahomes came around they suddenly become uber toxic towards us.

  4. Because FTR…. Honestly for me it’s because it’s a divisional opponent and their fans hang onto their glory days and are absolutely delusional. Every year it’s “this is our year” yet Derek Carr has zero (zilch, nada) playoff wins in 8 years. Think Cowboys or Patriots fans but even worse THEY ARE IN THE DIVISION. The fans are clowns and all seem to act like the toughest people to walk the planet yet they put on make up and KISS outfits. My father in law and really close friends are raider fans, so there are a few really good/cool people but overall a bunch of jackasses. So my point is the terrible fan base and just their demeanor in general. Humble brag: I was banned from the raiders sub today just for some context on how they are always in their feelings…. Soft as baby shit.

  5. Lots of old hate going back to when Raiders were good (sometime in the stone age). It got a big boost when we hired Shanahan. Al Davis supposedly refused to pay out the remainder of his contract and those two hated each other. Shanahan helped fuel it by making a big deal of Raider week every year.

  6. Im an aussie who started following the NFL/Broncos in 2012 and I have way more hate for the Chiefs, Pats, Ravens and Seahawks. Dont get me wrong i still hate the Raiders though.

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