Introducing Barn Burner: Boomer and Pinder with Rhett Warrener

Introducing Barn Burner: Boomer and Pinder with Rhett Warrener

  1. Fuck yeah! I needed a new podcast. Spittin chiclets is only once a week and quite frankly, 32 thoughts is just too fucking boring for me.

  2. I wonder how much they can earn doing a *podcast*. I gotta think Rhett doesn’t take a regular job if he’s not making a decent wage. Seems like a pretty limited audience.

  3. Dumb question maybe – where can I find the podcast if I’m not on social media at all (except I obv do have an account here for hockey talk and random crap).

    Edit: can’t find nation network on YouTube as mentioned in the article

  4. The reason the Boyz left SN isn’t really known, this kinda seems like a natural step. The fact that they are doing something on their own kinda makes me think it wasn’t super amicable. I’m guessing the idea started from what Bob McGowan did in Toronto a year or so ago hard to say tho.

  5. Excellent. Good for them. Good for us. God bless us all. Merry fucking Christmas.
    Now we get to hear Boomer swear just like the angels wanted. Best of luck, boys.

  6. Independent, and hopefully unfiltered from their Eastern masters. I’m excited as hell. Good on these guys taking the chance and making the effort!

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