PR teams working overtime

PR teams working overtime

PR teams working overtime from nhl

  1. So few people know that water on a grease fire makes it explode. It should be taught in schools, honestly.

    My brother and I almost burned down our porch when our dad gave us a pot of boiling oil to go drop in a snow bank when we were kids. The oil had caught on fire and my dad juat covered it and turned the flame off. Brother and I opened the lid and it was still on fire so we started throwing snow on it, which made a flame that was 6 feet high.

  2. the more apt analogy would be the she is a team owner, the lid is a general sense of morality/decency and the machine running the stream is the pr department. the machine probably is smart enough to do everything for the moron in the apron but the moron would never allow it

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