The refs were horrible tonight

The refs were horrible tonight

  1. Quick u/awakesheep tell them about the tuck rule like you did me when I said it lmao

  2. Bro when Andy is running halfway out on to the field to rip you a new asshole… You know you done fucked up. He was fucking pissed.

  3. They screw him a second time with the blatant face mask plus jersey hold later in the game that you could spot from the upper deck. Jones looked like a dog chasing a squirrel on a leash

  4. The crowd tonight never let up on those refs. The only time we weren’t booing was when we had had the ball. It must have rattled them because they fucked up call after call the rest of the night. Even that face mask penalty was clearly NOT a face mask call.

  5. That play could have easily cost us the game. We lost 7 points we could have had. We need reviews for game-changing penalties.

  6. Carl Cheffers should never be allowed to officiate a Chiefs game the rest of his career. It’s pathetic that his feud with KC is so well documented with the league officials, he was moved off of the AFC Championship Game because they feared his inability to be impartial. Kelce absolutely trashed Cheffers during the Steelers playoff loss and he hasn’t called a fair game with the Chiefs since. The guy single handily removed the Chiefs from a half of football in the Super Bowl. Record number of penalties and penalty yardage in a half. This isn’t a coincidence and you can try and spin some crap all you want. Cheffers ruined the Super Bowl, missing key OL or not. Interestingly enough, he also is the most profitable ref for underdogs against the spread for the **last 3 years**. I would love for the New York geniuses to explain that one to me as well.

    Frankly it seemed he received a notice at half time from the league office to knock it the fuck off. He looked rattled the entire rest of the game.

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