Daily Free Talk Thread – Wednesday 10/12

**Use this thread to discuss anything you feel like.**


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  1. I know we are all dosed up on hopium but I think it will be a tough tough game this weekend and I wouldn’t be surprised if we got blown out. Green Bay got a big wake-up call in London and if they actually start running the ball I think our defense will struggle big time. Still hope we can keep it competitive

  2. Feels like I’m saying this every week haha but same old jets would get blown out this week, no reason we shouldn’t be competitive and I think we could come away with a W, let’s go Jets young kids don’t know their supposed to lose and they gotta keep winning so the NFL realizes this teams different!!!

  3. I never thought we’d be 3-2 going into Green Bay with the idea that we could win this game. If the DLine can show tf up we could walk home with a W.

    But people need to remember this is Aaron “I hate my family” Rodgers. He could singlehandedly break this game wide open. I think I’m still in the mindset where I’d be very happy with a 3-10 pnt loss, with a clean game by ZW, and a great game by the defense. Trying to be realistic, but I’m getting lost in the hopeium.

  4. We need to win this week so I can bring my packers fan brother to justice for cheating and turning off the Xbox whenever I won in madden when we were younger

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