Bill Simmons mad for calling them out on their BS, sounds hella cringe.

Bill Simmons mad for calling them out on their BS, sounds hella cringe.

Bill Simmons mad for calling them out on their BS, sounds hella cringe. from torontoraptors

  1. LOL so no accountability for getting the rebound stat wrong, just basically saying it was because he closed strong? Anyways, Russillo has some of the thinnest skin of media personalities around, but Simmons actually gives us a lot of love, which is surprising seeing as how he’s a Celtics fan. But people need to give up on the Durant thing. Literally nobody cheered after seeing the guy grasping at his Achilles.

  2. Did you expect anything else from these Boston homers? They KNOW we are a good team, they just don’t have the balls to say it because they’ll upset their fans.

  3. Lol complain all you want, if you spend more than a few minutes on this sub you know exactly what they’re talking about

  4. Lol entire usa will never forgive us for cheering when Durant went down.
    1. We didn’t actually know he tore his achilles , we just knew he went down.
    2. When your hungry for a tittle shit happens, so get the fuck over it!

  5. This post and thread is exactly what they are talking about. A big part of our fan base just love to bash any media member who have any type of criticism for the Raptors. They have no sense of humour. Almost every podcast I have listened to say the Raptors are going to be good but as soon as they start to criticize the Raptors, a part of our fannase just aimlessly bashes them online and calls them informed American analysts. BUT if Zach Lowe criticizes the Raptors, it is accepted in good fun. That part of our fanbase has to deal with there insecurities. It’s getting embarrassing that this is becoming the reputation. Remember to have fun while watching basketball. No need to send out negative vibes. It’s all fun and games

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