Carlos Correa could be on the same team as his sister’s favorite player!

Carlos Correa could be on the same team as his sister’s favorite player!

  1. I also do understand that he likely won’t be looking for another short-term deal like this last one and the angels likely won’t be in the position to offer a long-term deal. But the possibility of seeing Rendon, Correa, and Trout on the IL at the same time is too attractive to not consider lol.

  2. Hard pass. He’s a known, admitted cheater. I don’t care if he’s “reformed,” I don’t care how good he is. What he did with the astros was bad for baseball.

  3. I’d much rather take any possible Correa money (probably like 30m a year for 7-8 years) and spend it on some cheaper lineup depth. 1-5 we have a killer lineup, we just gotta work out 6-9 and the bullpen.

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