[Islanders]: #IslesNation, we heard you. Bringing back the siren from 1980s was not the move. Sparky took care of it for us.

[Islanders]: #IslesNation, we heard you. Bringing back the siren from 1980s was not the move. Sparky took care of it for us.

  1. Lmao thank god that was so cringe I hated it so much. Plus Carolina already does that same thing

  2. I’m actually brown away that they got rid of it so quickly. Shows that the siren was actually intended to connect with fans in the first place. It didn’t, so they dropped it. Massive respect.

    ^also ^fog ^horn ^please ^and ^thank ^you

  3. I can’t believe they built that new arena and didn’t incorporate *something* as a goal celebration feature.

    I’m picturing a lighthouse that lights up and spins with a foghorn.

    Anyways, good on them to try something and be willing to walk away from it when it didn’t click

  4. my favorite part about this was that im pretty sure it was toned to a fire siren, so if it was played and then stopped and then played again like a normal fire siren it would have been fine, but that tone at a constant noise is just awful… sounded nothing like a fog horn or air raid siren..

  5. Fans on Twitter complaining smh. Actually thought this was pretty cool (their response, not the siren)

  6. The fact that they listened to the fans (at least the ones complaining about it), and then injected humor and the social media team into dealing with it — that’s a team we never had in the past. The fact is, ownership is trying at almost every turn to show that they care about the fan input – and that they’re willing to make adjustments.

    Kudos to the team on this one.

  7. Remember when they changed that goal song? I think it was like “Let’s go …IIIIIII-Landeerrs”. Probably mid 2000s

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