Walkoff call by Tom Hamilton

Walkoff call by Tom Hamilton

  1. H/t to u/stock412 for posting this in r/baseball. For some reason wasn’t able to cross post, but thank you for posting!

  2. I teared up a bit. It’s hard following them on the other side of the world but this team has given me so much joy for the 36 years I’ve been a fan.

  3. The best part is the video repeats, at least on my browser, so i can watch/listen to this alllll night long.

  4. I can’t believe they came back to win… but then again, why not? It has happened so many times.

    Get Cole out early tomorrow and we are in good shape!

  5. This team will be remembered as one of the greatest clutch baseball teams of all time.

  6. My vocal chords are shot and I’m pretty my neighborhood thinks I’m crazy now after that walkoff. I think I even bruised my chest from pounding it in celebration lol.

  7. SO HAPPY TO HAVE BEEN THERE! GREATEST GAME IVE EVER SEEN! It was an absolute mob in the standing section in left, we were all hugging and crying, hats beer were thrown. I will never forget this one.

  8. God, such a difference in energy between the national broadcast call and Hammys call. That mans such a treasure

  9. As someone who’s been fighting depression and can barely feel anything most days, I can’t express how much this makes me feel joy.

    Thank you Tom Hamilton. What a beautiful sport.

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