Current PSL Holders Get Credit Towards New Stadium PSL

Long story short, current PSL holders will get credit towards new PSLs equal to the value of the PSL when they acquired the PSL. No idea on cost of new PSLs though.

  1. I feel like for OG PSL owners (like my dad) this will barely put a dent in the cost of the new PSLs, but I don’t know. Better than making PSL holders pay full price though for sure.

    Also encourages people to continue buying PSLs for the current stadium, so that’s nice. Might be the biggest factor in their decision to do this honestly.

  2. This is nice to hear. But without knowing the cost of a new PSL it really doesn’t mean much.

  3. That’s better than I expected, but the wording “when you acquired it” will leave a lot of old fans, especially pre-Mariota PSLs, with not a lot to show for them. Still, it’s better than what most teams do.

  4. I wonder what will happen if you purchased your PSL from a 3rd party or not directly from the Titans. That’s what I did.

  5. well this is bullshit, my family has had lower bowl seats since day 1. Incredible seats… front row.

    I’m guessing that will all be corporate now.

  6. I paid $3,000 for a pair of club level seats last year. I’m expecting an email in the future that says something like “Congratulations! You already paid $3,000 for PSLs which means you only owe $12,000 to maintain similar seats at the new stadium! Since we appreciate you so much we’ll give you a full ten years to pay it off!.” I looked at the cost of PSLs at the new Raiders stadium thinking that would be somewhat comparable and it’s $7,500 per seat for similar seats that I paid $1,500 each for. I’m hoping it’s not quite as expensive but I think it’s going to be a tough decision for me to pay the new PSL or give up my tickets.

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