It’s another off day for the Mavs, so let’s play Spot the difference in these 2 images from Saturday night. Can you find all 7 differences?

It’s another off day for the Mavs, so let’s play Spot the difference in these 2 images from Saturday night. Can you find all 7 differences?

  1. Answer key:

    >!-The ball!<

    >!-Shot clock!<

    >!-Ja’s jersey number!<

    >!-Josh Green’s hair!<

    >!Luka’s shoes!<

    >!Ref’s face!<

    >!Upside down hoop!<

  2. I found all of them but had to use the answer key to figure out the first one in OPs answer key. Nicely done

  3. Dude, i was certain u changed Morants arm length. But no, he has that wingspan lol

    Great Idea, lookin forward to more of those!

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