This is hard to believe considering there are a lot of empty seats during home games. Any insight? It’s a Saturday February game

This is hard to believe considering there are a lot of empty seats during home games. Any insight? It’s a Saturday February game

  1. My knee-jerk reaction is to blame Ticketmaster and Axis. If not them, then I blame the rich alongside capitalism. If those options are unavailable, the government is involved and is to blame.

    I been using TickPick and have found great success thus far.

  2. Just because they’re sold doesn’t mean the people are going to show up. Our average attendance is hovering around 18,000, and with max attendance being 18,532, only having a few tickets available for sale, makes sense. The tickets are selling, people just either show up late or don’t show up at all.

    I haven’t seen “a lot” of empty seats, especially in the lower bowl.

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