2021-2022 Forbes NBA team valuations

2021-2022 Forbes NBA team valuations

  1. Smallest market in the NBA really hurts us. I think Entergy is the only Fortune 500 company down here and usually big corporations in big cities lead to alotta ticket buys because obviously that means more people with money in the city and sometimes they actually buy out sections themselves. Until we build a consistent winner we will remain pretty low but I mean 1.6 billion and rising is nothing to sniff at Lol

  2. Value of a team is based on its market and its success

    Notice the top teams are in massive markets or are legendary franchises with banners to hang their hat on? Notice how the bottom teams are in small markets and have done jack shit in terms of success lately or ever?

    As the Pels we’ve only recently started to lift the public perception of our tiny market giving a shit about the team and our greatest team achievements since becoming the Pels are simply making the playoffs 3 times in the past decade (with VERY spacious timespans between them at that).

    It’s not a wonder we’re ranked at the bottom. All the other teams have something market wise or success wise over us (don’t forget we’re the youngest franchise in the nba still with absolutely nothing to our name). We need a big/rabid market for a long period of time or a long standing successful team, we are neither.

  3. Nola is VERY small, I visited Dallas this weekend and I haven’t been there in a quite awhile. I was blown away at the number of massive suburbs they have even 50-75 miles away from downtown Dallas. Fortune 500 companies galore out there compared to nola having 1. Not a ton of room for Nola to expand being it is surrounded by water. I will say one thing success will change this. Warriors just became the most valuable (I understand the bay area is much bigger than Nola) but winning brings a ton of revenue.

  4. If this team went on the open market especially if it was the only American sports team up for bid that year it’d easily surpass 3 billion.

  5. Yes, being in a larger market helps but also winning will raise our value significantly.

  6. They need to cut the contract with Bally’s and make Pelicans games available on all local TV markets in the Gulf coast. I’m in Pensacola and Pelicans games are even blacked on on NBA league pass here. Stupid marketing. You can’t create fans if you can’t watch the games…

  7. What it’s worth is relevant in the context of what you paid and what it costs to own. Keep in mind warriors are gonna be paying half a billion a year in payroll for players.

    Also gayle is fine.

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