Phillies fans screamed CHEATERS at the Astros bus today. Justin Verlander gave the fans the bird..

Phillies fans screamed CHEATERS at the Astros bus today. Justin Verlander gave the fans the bird..

  1. Class act, Verlander. Can’t wait for Bryce to take you to section 205 on ~~Wednesday~~ Thursday.

  2. Breaking news just in to ESPN: Bus load of helpless millionaires barely able to escape being relentlessly mocked and endangered by rabid morally absent citizens of that cesspool Philadelphia.

  3. If he’s flipping off people for that……lol. Suck it up buttercup. It’s getting a lot worse tonight.

  4. You know what, it seems like he’s enjoying himself and dishing it back. Respect. It’s better than running away and then talking shit through the media.

  5. I went to high school with Verlander. Helluva nice guy. Even after he hit megastar and million dollar paydays, he still recognized me and said hi one night out in Richmond.

  6. That is just the beginning wait until they have to deal with a stadium full of phillies fans

  7. I mean…does Verlander get us? Actually makes me kinda like the dude. That’s why I laugh at all the clueless dipshit redditors that are always like “MaN BiLL bUrR rOasTeD yOu ClOwNs” and it was like…nah…he didn’t actually. He just gets Philly and knew what would get the crowd going. I was actually there the day of that infamous Bill Burr roast people fucking loved him for it and they still do, but reddit collectively thinks it’s some gotcha moment that Philly people sit around and go “damn, Bill Burr really taught us a lesson!”

  8. Very classy move by a very classy franchise, hopefully their dugout doesn’t have a single trash can.

  9. Getting flipped off by the worst WS pitcher in the history of the game doesn’t mean shit to me.

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