Horford hits Derozan with the violin while he whines to the ref

Horford hits Derozan with the violin while he whines to the ref

Horford hits Derozan with the violin while he whines to the ref from bostonceltics

  1. Without stooping to calling Marc Davis the most obviously and pathetically biased ref in the league, I would just point out that DeRozan and Tatum combining for 42 FT’s is probably not the game most wish to see.

    42. THink on that.

  2. I was watching it live and had to go back to make sure I saw what I saw. Al went straight savage and I loved it!!!

  3. Was at the game tonight. Saw this happen but at a different angle and couldn’t tell what he was doing. Good call Al. Officiating sucked again tonight.

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