Ant called the team soft.

Ant called the team soft.

  1. I know it’s still just saying the right thing, but I think this is harder than saying “We need to try harder.” Okay, well who is we? At least Ant is trying to start with the messaging that we’re playing soft and entitled. It would mean a lot more if he stayed more active and was in better shape, but he’s right, and I think we need more people saying stuff like this without calling anyone out to the media.

  2. Almost the entire team would benefit from actually running during the game. Like physically moving your fucking legs quicker. It’s like watching little kids play teeball out there. Ya’ll are playing in the dirt while the game is going on. Embarrassing.

  3. Yeah well saying anything else would be absurd.

    I’m really missing Bev / was worried about losing that grit….

  4. Then maybe lead by example? Ant always comes out post-game saying we look ass. We can tell buddy

  5. Ant is soft AF this year so theres that. Looks like he isn’t in game shape which is validated by not going up strong and dunking. Watched him lolligag on D playing 10 feet off his guy multiple times. Prime KG ain’t coming in and helping, these guys need to figure it out. If Bev was here there would have been a players only meeting 2 weeks ago. Somebody needs to hold others accountable. Maybe the new guy has to take on that role cuz i don’t know who has that mentality on the roster?

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