A tribute to my Mom and her Phillies.

A tribute to my Mom and her Phillies.

A tribute to my Mom and her Phillies. from baseball

  1. That was a touching tribute. Sorry for your loss buddy losing a parent is never easy. Hope you are adjusting as well as you can to life without her in it.

  2. Lost my mom five years ago. It nevers stops hurting but how often it hurts and the way it hurts has gotten a lot easier to live with. And that drawing is a hell of a way to memorialize her. Looks great! What markers are you using?

  3. This brought tears to my eyes. Most of my early memories at the ballpark are with my mom.

  4. I had a great Aunt that never forgave the Yankees for 1950, when interleague play started she watched them finally beat them 5-1 and died in her sleep that night at peace.

    My Mom was a Mets fan and I miss her everyday, hope you are doing alright

  5. Sorry for your loss. From your art, I bet it would be fun to watch a game with her commentary.

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