Some future GOATs hanging out.

Some future GOATs hanging out.

  1. Downvote me if you must, but I hate to say it but I’m skeptical if any of these guys will go down like that
    – Tatis will always have his PED stain on his legacy and has yet to play a full season
    – Acuna is amazing but he has so much trouble staying on the field and durability is key to truly be a GOAT in the history of baseball
    – Vlad had one of the greatest seasons of all time in 2021, but he failed to capitalize on that in 2022, and while he had a very solid season, it was a very massive step backwards

    Obviously all 3 have long careers ahead of them, and have shown incredible talent, but I feel GOAT gets tossed around to often and all 3 of these guys have a ways to go. Not to say they can’t, but it shouldn’t be ignored

  2. I’d comment on Ronald’s homage to the film Teeth but is Vlad associating himself with a 1980’s crime organization?

  3. This might get downvoted into oblivion, but it is truly wild how much more fashionable NBA players are then MLB. It’s not even close

  4. Neither of these two are in the running for GOAT.

    Even the concept of saying GOATs for two guys in the same sport is ridiculous

  5. There can only be one GOAT by definition, so at least 2 of these guys will just become goats 🐐🐐

  6. I know Tatis Jr made a huge mistake, but I hope he learns from it and gets back to the level he was at. Dude is a beast and good for the game.

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