defending champs

defending champs

  1. Remember when many fans actually believed Wiseman was a huge reason why the Warriors are struggling? Good times.

  2. Man I am looking forward to the bandwagoners realizing warriors are not it anymore and we can be at peace without their constant bitching

  3. I feel bad for curry men. He is not only running around the court in offense but also in defense and his team play like they are still in the summer

  4. Wiseman is not only a disaster on the floor costing us easy games vs bottom feeders but his salary hit prevented Payton and Porter from returning

    Let’s not be stupid about this.

  5. Sadly, it was predictable to see so many who’ve denied the systemic problems- most of which were clear from the outset, still trying to blame Wiseman.

    TBC: not the OP, who’s pretty well called it.

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