Don’t worry, they’re going to rebound. Granato and the young core are still coming into their own!

Don’t worry, they’re going to rebound. Granato and the young core are still coming into their own!

  1. They will, this team is still much better offensively than last year, the goaltending is still better than last years, the defence is still awful (not just dmen tho, defence from the forwards has been rough as well) they are simply not executing on the system in place and don hasn’t been helping in any capacity with his lineups and refusal to mix it up strategically. I’ve been one of his biggest critics rn in the sub, but I’m willing to give him time, he’a still a young coach at the end of the day, I’m just praying he takes his own fucking advice and learns from his mistakes too

  2. I love the meme but I dunno if we can even call this delusion at this point. I feel like we don’t have a choice. The Cubs broke a century old curse, the Red Sox also broke one nearly as old and have won a bunch since, and even the city of Cleveland has received a championship. All in this century, I should add. We have to have hope that things will change but it’s all we can do. Doesn’t make it suck any less, though

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